Eating Coloured Containers

There is a quote that comes up often, attributed to Tony Robbins, “If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.” My trainer and coach said this to me at the end of December.

I had met my fitness goals in 2009 so we looked back at what was different. There were two things that stood out: I was documenting the food I ate each day, and I was running most days. I still strength train 3-4 times per week. It was a good balance of eating, cardio and strength – although the eating wasn’t necessarily balanced, lol.

For the month of January, I am following a program called the 21-day Fix by Beach Body. The core elements are portion control and 30-minutes of daily exercise. There are many similarities with Health Canada’s Food Guide, but less starches (aka grains). This is true during the 21-Day Fix weight loss phase but especially noticeable in their recommended portions for a healthy living lifestyle.

The program has a daily allotment of macronutrients (protein, greens, starches) and measured toppings for salads and casseroles. The hard part of course is how to translate their guidelines into real food to eat each day, and map that to a grocery list and cooking plan.

What’s your plan for this week? Do you measure and track your food for each meal? I would be very happy to assist you with your journal.

AuthorBrooke Gordon

My name is Brooke and I love to cook, hence the nickname. I am passionate about eating for pleasure and nutrition, making jam, and supporting women who want to live a healthy life.