Clean eating started gaining popularity back in the mid-1990’s. Consumers were starting to pay attention to how foods were processed and grown. Health food stores were becoming more mainstream, to the point where grocery stores even have a dedicated section.
Author: Brooke Gordon
5 Tips for a Healthier Home
Health yliving is not just about the food you put in your mouth, but also about the chemicals that you touch, inhale and ingest. You might be surprised to learn that the air inside your home and office building can
Is it a Fad or a Healthy Lifestyle Change?
It’s January and that means the next “diet fad” is literally a click away. I’m sure you’ve also heard of: Gluten-free. Paleo. Vegan. Juicing. Mediterranean. South Beach. Cabbage Soup. Wheat Belly. Every one of these diets has been around in some form for
Eating Clean Without Breaking the Bank
One of the big concerns when people consider eating clean or eating healthier is cost. Grocery prices have gone up significantly in the past few years, especially for fresh fruit and vegetables. Shop Local Find your local farmers market and
How much does your Double Double cost?
How much does your double double cost? It’s less than $2 for a Medium or Large coffee with two creams, two sugars. But that’s not what I mean. Here’s what you may not know … the amount of cream and